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Showing posts from July, 2018


Snap out of it change your mind just get on with it be happy grateful everything is gonna be alright trying trying trying learning to snap as child must be taught here is how you do it finger slides on finger little sounds at first right hand easier than left  watch it progress hear the small sound practice practice                                           practice, and then you have it can't be broken down into little lessons slide the fingers just so what is the success? a tiny noise----finger sliding sound snap  snap                                                                           snap, now i...

The First Switch, hand to cheek

The Size of Switzerland Compared to the US Three Swiss Kisses....  Let me explain the name of my blog. In 2014 after living in the Atlanta, GA area almost my whole life, I moved to a beautiful tiny little country (the picture shows teenie, tiny Switzerland as it compares to the huge US) that I knew very little about with my husband and three children. It was such a stunning country, even from the plane. The sunflower faces beckoned, swaying slightly in the wind between the mountains and the most beautiful almost ocean sized lake I have ever seen. It was a whole new life, just beginning. Half of my life has been lived at this point and it was both scary and lovely to start over in a whole new world. We will come back to that start over part, little did I even suspect.There were so many things that struck me in this breathtaking place. I could write pages and pages (and may well do so) about the contrast between the giant United States and little tiny Switzerland. The Sw...