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Showing posts from January, 2020

Big Strong Man

There was a picture in my head, a fantasy I thought of this big strong man Sweet but tough, someone who would understand Who would open his arms and take me in Biggest hug ever, not like other men I said to God, please sometimes enough is enough I need a respite from all that has been so rough You have sent me feathers and friends and angels and more Could I ask one more thing...someone I adore? Someone who gets me and who is ready for this A man who is kind and good who can share my deep down bliss And then he was there. Picked almost as a mistake, a swipe to the right We talked of life and pain and I saw his great might I listened and everyone said I should be all okay alone But I knew deep down I knew I wanted to have my mind completely blown He stands so tall, big feet as a base He holds out his arms and then touches my face A little prayer from me, thank you God He likes my silly jokes and does not mind that I am flawed My heart shaped...

What I didn't tell you

What I didn’t tell you is the friend I saw today is dying His family has abandoned him and I am his only friend He denies his pain to look strong until it hurts so much he lashes out at me He wants to die, he wants to live, he does not know which world to put his feet in I feel his pain, I think of myself, what if I was all alone and dying, wouldn’t I want a me? My other friends all four years new, tell me it is too much, step away, I need to be there for my kids What I didn’t tell you is that while I watch my friend, his legs sticking out from the gown, whittled like wood more and more each day, I am tortured by the man I loved I am watching nature destroy my friend while I am trying my best not to be destroyed by an unnatural human force, the father of my children What I didn’t tell you is that my children are no longer with me daily, their plans are made without me, I am not even considered as an afterthought, just sometimes a taxi ride I was successful a...

Eights and Circles

Bats and caves and really small spaces Hands to hold and smiles on faces Round and round in the grass we go Form a circle, no one says no Figure eights with our bodies, message for the soul For the child deep inside to play a role The frustration and fear are trumped by passion and awe Just listen to you heart and answer the call Ashes to ashes we all fall down Pick yourself up and spin round and round


Rocks For love I swallowed little rocks He fed me--here baby- just a little one and then another To get me used to rock flavor and texture They hurt going down--burned my throat, sat on my stomach---- life kept going I was full of rocks like a small boy with a collection in a bag They scraped, they moved, they were heavy  and I could feel every sharp edge An assumption that everyone carried rocks inside of them and so should I In survival mode I got used to them The old me, beaten and bruised from the inside Now a new me ------or really the original me, exposed Raw skin and stomach and the rocks hurt so much I want them out- they sit at the bottom on my stomach and stack up to my throat I need the space to fill my body with amazing things I am finished with these rocks and their pain I want them out-----  the heaviness serves me no longer The lesson is learned- I need the internal space and a respite from the collection Beg f...

Rocks and Clouds

He loved me so much that he wanted me dead The fear in my heart was too much to bear Tight fingernail grip on the pain of the rocks Knowing there was a choice of just when to drop Looked way down inside and took a deep breath Closed my eyes and let go, shit what a trip Dodging lightning, thunder and tremendous winds Being struck with electric that came out of my hands Then bumping on clouds in their white enough And resting a moment on their pink bellies and fluff Seen from above, a whole different eye Like God from the heavens with an eternal sigh  As the glorious beauty distracted the brain Looking OUT for a saviour ,actually within The rain washed down like a treasured mix tape Over and over until there was peace


So there was a time. It was this kind of mixed up magical day So a beautiful place, been there before, but today.---wow So of it I subscribed to, some of it was so contrived And everyone wanted to follow the rules, and I, I did not Sometimes I wonder how do they not questions Why do they all want to be the same and yet judge each other If there was no judgement, they wouldn’t have to follow the rules They don’t know,,,,,,how could they not?


Soul Rainbow What is this love that I have found? Searched for, longed for, knew it was around A one to stroke my face and to hold my hand Who walks side by side in the sun kissed sand The love was not in this person I so sought Passion for me came from not the place I thought It comes from within I now acknowledge you see The true soul inside must be loved just by me New wrinkles and grey, creativity learned These are the traits I wished to be yearned Myself is the first lover that has to exist --- then towards the soulmate I continue to persist A threesome of us, me, my treasured soul, and a lover My faced touched by him and angels who hover I thought with the perfect one, everything would be fine I know now it is me who is a creature devine Lessons  honed day by day with each sigh A growing, a magic until the day I will die First in my mind are my children, big and tall These epiphanies to add to their ever growing all Each o...

Soul Rainbow

What is this love that I have found? Searched for, longed for, knew it was around A one to stroke my face and to hold my hand Who walks side by side in the sun kissed sand The love was not in this person I so sought Passion for me came from not the place I thought It comes from within I now acknowledge you see The true soul inside must be loved just by me New wrinkles and grey, creativity learned These are the traits I wished to be yearned Myself is the first lover that has to exist --- then towards the soulmate I continue to persist A threesome of us, me, my treasured soul, and a lover My faced touched by him and angels who hover I thought with the perfect one, everything would be fine I know now it is me who is a creature devine Lessons  honed day by day with each sigh A growing, a magic until the day I will die First in my mind are my children, big and tall These epiphanies to add to their ever growing all Each one I have wal...


Sparkles Shiny beautiful sparkles scattered among the pieces Some of them the sharpest shards, others beckoning…dark and interesting, pick me up Sorrow, sadness still the same, pink cheeks and then the shame Over and over this is how it goes sometimes staining the hand and occasionally a rose On toes treading softly to minimize pain but wanting to run run and run like there is never an end The world swirls and it bends, sometimes comes to a stop and spins round again Over and over the pieces they shift disturbing their display, changing their zen The angst at the process, the shear agony, the journey so hard, easy to concede Then a space opened up of stillness and rest, the toes to relent to the soul and the heel A moment of quiet and deep breaths in, eyes towards the ground, towards the squalor and mess A moment a sparkle, a sun reflection from the depths  a turning a gaze to see the source of the ones that reflected and the ones that did not The transi...


in our head here is a list of the attributes of one so perfect and our heart it yearns for another to feed and nurture in it and our day to day, how does the one we seek make it brighter but what we must listen to between the check marks and the life giving beats and the side by side is our soul it knows and it speaks to us, it holds the list and cradles the heart and generates the electricity between held hands. it whispers, this is what I want, this is what I must have. all of these desires swirled and stirred but without the soul sprinkle, just a recipe.followed. taste and nourishment but not the special spice that makes us want to return again and again

Cool Bitch

Just be cool bitch, you are a badass and you can do this The universe has shifted and you have learned so much from the shit You have known what you wanted ever since your first day here You just decide, set a goal and feel no fear Then your “dream” exploded and you didn’t know up from down You were trapped in a corner, water rising, felt you would drown Badass, you floated above, life hanging by a thread The water receded and your were so surprised that you weren’t dead Our second life starts when we realize we only have one There is one thing you don’t have, now shown as bright as the sun You have always wanted to manage and control things and be in charge Patience is a virtue that missed you by and large Have faith in the process and be still inside Try to trust the universe and go along for the ride Now is the time to close your eyes and just fall is it possible to be true to yourself and still have it all? Jenny Nix

Peace of Now

I believe in rainbows, I have seen them and been in awe of them. Did God make them as a promise? I don’t want to think about them in that context and the world being destroyed.. I won’t. I want to admire the beauty and the science behind them, but still the magic I do believe in Angels and the feathers they leave and the direction and peace they can give They have kissed my skin with love and care, leaving marks as a remembrance Visual daily reminders of those who love me in heaven and those who love me here We have power within us, a great power that some have learned to use for good, others for evil, so selfish and so confused Mine is back and I will share again. And those of you that need to take pieces, please do And those of you who wish to destroy it, you simply will not, you will not strip it from me again. I am meant for a greater purpose and I need the power to to achieve that purpose There is a snowglobe that contains it, but it is not pure glass, it is...

My Someone

In the city of love I saw the disdain On the pages of Facebook I saw them complain The one that you love, there by your side Your feelings expressed in comments so snide I watch without mine, not there anymore He grabbed another hand and walked out the door I have new glasses I wear with lenses of alone To look at you with them and see you whine and moan We who have loved and have had it taken away Are now part of a club where we don’t want to stay We look for our someone to hug and to kiss The one that will call and say we are missed We act to the world like all is good with our soul It is not, it is not, we were ripped from our role The promise I make now I know all of this Is everyday to eagerly recognize the bliss My hands on his face holding so tight A kiss on the lips and a loving goodnight A hug chest to chest with arms open wide Raw feelings and care never again to hide You have a someone to kiss you awake? You ...