Here we are, here we are
And here am I
Victims of thievery, an empty tomb
Nothing was promised when we emerged from the womb
Then we received, we knew love imposed
Dreams of the lives merely supposed
Cradled and nurtured, some just survived
Our very own version of dead then alive
Some were robbed early with burdens to bear
Others lived as prescribed, hardly aware
No matter the place, we felt heart, and beat
If only a moment, sometimes a repeat
Joy brought sorrow and weakness power
Hot coals threatening a delicate flower
Here we are, here we are
And here am I
One without the other would never be sought
The life, the should is not what we thought
To see the others, perfect--danced as a ball
While we wander like ghosts, we can see all
Our souls made transparent, layers peeled away
Skin inside out, made to sting more each day
Maybe a blessing this new universe
Do we know better than perfect and perverse?
Ripping away has made us all feel more
The realm that we live in, others abhor
We know- we know-- love and then loss
The hole it leaves, shaped as a cross
We stumble under its heavy weight
We recognize each other by eyes and by gait
We find it again, my dear circle of friends
And we grab on so tightly, that it sometimes bends
Damaged or broken we take it just so,
Admire and treasure it before it must go
Here we are, here we are
And here am I
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