Soul Rainbow
What is this love that I have found?
Searched for, longed for, knew it was around
A one to stroke my face and to hold my hand
Who walks side by side in the sun kissed sand
The love was not in this person I so sought
Passion for me came from not the place I thought
It comes from within I now acknowledge you see
The true soul inside must be loved just by me
New wrinkles and grey, creativity learned
These are the traits I wished to be yearned
Myself is the first lover that has to exist
--- then towards the soulmate I continue to persist
A threesome of us, me, my treasured soul, and a lover
My faced touched by him and angels who hover
I thought with the perfect one, everything would be fine
I know now it is me who is a creature devine
Lessons honed day by day with each sigh
A growing, a magic until the day I will die
First in my mind are my children, big and tall
These epiphanies to add to their ever growing all
Each one I have walked with on my journey so tough,
A reason we have met and each just enough
So now my advice is, open your soul and your brain
Sometimes,not always, a rainbow after the rain
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