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Shiny beautiful sparkles scattered among the pieces
Some of them the sharpest shards, others beckoning…dark and interesting, pick me up
Sorrow, sadness still the same, pink cheeks and then the shame
Over and over this is how it goes sometimes staining the hand and occasionally a rose
On toes treading softly to minimize pain but wanting to run run and run like there is never an end
The world swirls and it bends, sometimes comes to a stop and spins round again
Over and over the pieces they shift disturbing their display, changing their zen
The angst at the process, the shear agony, the journey so hard, easy to concede
Then a space opened up of stillness and rest, the toes to relent to the soul and the heel
A moment of quiet and deep breaths in, eyes towards the ground, towards the squalor and mess
A moment a sparkle, a sun reflection from the depths 
a turning a gaze to see the source of the ones that reflected and the ones that did not
The transition of the gaze, the awe in new space
Then up to the sky with the eyes squinted closed, hands out at the side, fingers tip to tip
So warm and so bright causing tiny explosions through lids
And a looking away and opening the eyes, one hand on the brow to protect from the light but not all, just some so the view was the furthest and best, oh, it is THE piece
For it is not on the ground and not in the sky, it is not shiny or dark, it does not burn the eyes
The tears will still come and the feet will still ache and the truth has been revealed
It was always there, needed a shift of the gaze. dirty and perfect an eye level maze


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