For love I swallowed little rocks
He fed me--here baby- just a little one and then another
To get me used to rock flavor and texture
They hurt going down--burned my throat, sat on my stomach----
life kept going
I was full of rocks like a small boy with a collection in a bag
They scraped, they moved, they were heavy
and I could feel every sharp edge
An assumption that everyone carried rocks inside of them and so should I
In survival mode I got used to them
The old me, beaten and bruised from the inside
Now a new me ------or really the original me, exposed
Raw skin and stomach and the rocks hurt so much
I want them out- they sit at the bottom on my stomach and stack up to my throat
I need the space to fill my body with amazing things
I am finished with these rocks and their pain
I want them out----- the heaviness serves me no longer
The lesson is learned- I need the internal space and a respite from the collection
Beg for help- some is received but then a shrug and it is done---that’s all
I know that is all I can do
Go out there now with your heavy internal weight and be courageous
Drag your heavy broken body...pick yourself up. Handle it yourself,
Never again eat body deserves softness and light
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