I believe in rainbows, I have seen them and been in awe of them.
Did God make them as a promise? I don’t want to think about them in that context and the world being destroyed.. I won’t.
I want to admire the beauty and the science behind them, but still the magic
I do believe in Angels and the feathers they leave and the direction and peace they can give
They have kissed my skin with love and care, leaving marks as a remembrance
Visual daily reminders of those who love me in heaven and those who love me here
We have power within us, a great power that some have learned to use for good, others for evil, so selfish and so confused
Mine is back and I will share again. And those of you that need to take pieces, please do
And those of you who wish to destroy it, you simply will not, you will not strip it from me again.
I am meant for a greater purpose and I need the power to to achieve that purpose
There is a snowglobe that contains it, but it is not pure glass, it is a beautiful iridescent bubble
I can let pieces in and pieces out, such a beautiful mix, but never again all
I know now that it is malleable and it cannot be smashed, I thought it was
I thought it was, but it was spilled, pieces damaged and stolen, making them my gift changes the process
I will now take and give as I please, not as others wish
Shaken and swirled, so beautiful, more powerful now, energized and knowing so much more
No shame in joy and feathers and unicorns, all pure and pulsing with energy
When I am down again, which I know can happen, I promise to remember this feeling, this power, this peace of now
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